Sitemap - 2022 - Igor’s Newsletter
Happy New Year - Make Your PREDICTION for 2023
The XBB.1.5 Variant Is The Next Big COVID Thing
MSNBC Host Shocked And Appalled Because Her Own Kids Refuse COVID Boosters
Funny: U.N. Predicts Disaster if Global Warming Not Checked (1989 article)
Booster-Caused IgG4 Immune Tolerance Explains Excess Mortality and "Chronic Covid"
A Christmas Present from Elon Musk!
Merry Christmas! Santa is The First Conspiracy (of the nice kind) Kids Encounter
Covid Boosters are Killing Germans - and People of the World - Equally
Study Confirms that Molnupiravir Creates COVID "Variant Soup". How could the FDA Approve It?
Daughter of Hugh Auchincloss, who Replaces Tony Fauci, Gets Paid by Big Pharma
China Censors Do Not Know What to Do. But NY Times Censors Know What to Do
Is Depopulation we are Seeing, Planned or Incidental? December Births and Deaths Update
Australia's Former AMA President Defects, Exposes COVID Vaccines
German-Chinese Lab in Wuhan at the Epicenter of the Sars-Cov-2 Outbreak
DEBATE: Is Elon Musk Out of His Mind?
COVID Vaccines Do Not Prevent Hospitalizations in the UK
Santa Clara County's Fake COVID Statistics
The Unvaccinated Had More Car Crashes... Because they Were the Ones Driving!
DeSantis Empanels GRAND JURY To Investigate Pfizer and Moderna
Kids and Young People Targeted by Bill Gates' Exercise, "Catastrophic Contagion"
Elon Musk's New Pronouns: Prosecute/Fauci
Did Molnupiravir Create the Recent "COVID Variant Soup"?
Sam Brinton is NOT the Worst Federal Official - Who Is?
The WEF Wants Your House to Be Worth ZERO, to Achieve "Net Zero" Carbon
FDA Approves Bivalent Vaccine for Babies in TWO DAYS
Even Fact-Checkers Acknowledge "Covid-Related Blood Clots"
CDC FAKES High Flu Numbers in the US to Scare Us into Taking Useless Flu Vaccines
Matt Shelton, a Covid Hero of New Zealand
China Ends Lockdowns, Says "Covid is Mild". Is It?
Does "Long Covid" Actually Exist? Does the Flu Bring MORE Long Term Consequences?
CDC Lied about Vaccine Myocarditis Being Mild: 20% of Sudden Deaths Caused by Myocarditis
China Lifts Lockdowns, Shows that Protests Work
EU: WEF Graduate Thierry Breton Threatens to BAN Twitter from Europe
Western University Drops ALL Vaccine Mandates
Creepy "Blue Whale" Suicide Symbol is Openly Glorified In Canada
Apple Threatens to Deplatform Twitter, as I Predicted 3 days ago
Will Twitter be Deplatformed by Apple and Google?
Twitter Amnesty -- Good Thanksgiving News
Excess Mortality is Worse than It Seems
Should Individualism be Medicated Away to be Replaced by "Welfarism?"
I Enabled Paid Option on my Substack
Is RSV More Severe in Covid Vaccinated Kids Due To Destroyed Hematopoietic Stem Cells?
A Guide to my Excess Mortality vs. Vaccination Rate Articles
Demand for Unvaccinated Blood is Real, Doctors Acknowledge Grumpily
Guesstimating Relative Risk of Mortality by Vaccination Status
Influenza Vaccine is Perfect Example of MEDICAL QUACKERY at the FDA and the CDC
WEF: Eco-anxiety a Driver of the Mental Health Pandemic
Please submit your PANDEMIC TESTIMONY
"VIRUSES DO NOT EXIST" was a Psyop - and a Nice Try!
Pfizer, Democrat-led "Accountable Tech" are Blackmailing Twitter
Finland REFUSES to Recommend Bivalent Boosters for Working-Age People
The Atlantic is Asking for "Pandemic Amnesty" and Forgiveness
Vaccine-like "Inoculation" of Minds with "Weakened Forms of Misinformation"
WEF: "Climate Reparations" on Top of the Agenda
Moderna DOUBLES the Chance of Infant Death, Compared to Pfizer
Fired Unvaccinated New York City Workers REINSTATED -- with BACK PAY
Pfizer will Charge Two Billion Dollars per Pound of Covid mRNA Nanoparticles
Antivax Political Candidates are Winning! Give $10 Tonight
Cancer Rates are Increasing -- and May Get Much Worse
CDC Data: Moderna Causes 42% MORE Miscarriages Compared to Pfizer
Covid Vaxx to be Added to Childhood Vaccination Schedule
I Do Not Spread Conspiracy Theories - I Report on Actual News
Is UK's Depopulation Caused by Covid Vaccines?
How to Defeat California's AB2098 -- A Modest Proposal
FDA Just Approved Kids Covid Booster -- with ZERO Testing!
Florida recommends AGAINST mRNA Vaccines for Males Ages 0-40!
Will UK's Birth Rate Decline Bring "Hyper-Liberal Future", or Extinction?
Were Election Deniers and Conspiracy Theorists Just Vindicated?
121 Breastfed Infants Had "Issues" After Maternal Vaccination in Just ONE study!
Only 1 out of 573 People Took "Bivalent Boosters" -- In a State Without Vaccine Mandates
Vaccinated Mother's Dying Newborn with "White Lungs"
Bill Gates-Funded Scientists Found NO mRNA in Breast Milk a Year Ago
JAMA: mRNA Vaccine Shedding in Breast Milk Proven!
DEBATE: Did Our Health Authorities Actually Take COVID shots?
Pfizer's Bourla has Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS)
Only 1.3% of Americans Got Bivalent Boosters
Canadian Woman Died 7 Minutes After Bivalent Booster. Death Ruled "Natural Cause"
WEF Uses CODED LANGUAGE to Communicate Unthinkable Plans
POLITICO: How Bill Gates Took Over the Covid Pandemic
Denmark: No More COVID Vaccines Offered for Under-50
CDC's Own Study Reanalyzed: MIS-C is MORE Likely After Vaccination, not Less
Yes, Covid Vaccines UNSET and ERASE Natural Immunity
You, Me and other Anti-Vaxxers are Good People
UK BANS Covid Vaccines for ALL kids under 12
DEBATE: Viruses do not exist? Or do they?
UK: Births in England Collapsed and are NOT Coming Back Up
All "Bivalent Boosted" Mice Got Covid When Challenged
WEF's AI to Decide What Industries to Liquidate to "Stop Economic Growth"
Bivalent Booster's "8-Mice Trial" Actually FAILED
FDA Charlatans Engage in Medical Quackery
PROVEN RELATIONSHIP: COVID Boosters and Excess Mortality in 2022
Excess Mortality and Elevated Cancer Rates Likely to Get Worse
Covid Charlatans Blame Trump as Vaccine Narrative Collapses
"Craziest Covid Charlatan" Contest
Google and Facebook Owe Compensation to COVID Vaccine Victims
Chief Covid Charlatan Dr. Fauci Resigns!
Covid Vaccine Quacks and Charlatans Promoting "Ba.5 Booster"
Human Embryos WITHOUT HEADS to be Grown in Mechanical Wombs
Another Ivermectin Study Shows Benefit
White House "Climate Adviser" Banned from the National Academy of Science for Science Fraud
Covid Vaccines DO Cause Reinfections, After All
NYC to Close "Toddler COVID Vaccine Sites" -- due to NO DEMAND
Karl Lauterbach is EVIL and NOT Just Stupid
WEF's "Global Intelligence Collecting AI" to Erase Ideas from the Internet
COVID Vaccine Test Animals Were All Killed Shortly After Vaccination
Are "Monkeypox Vaccines" Safe and Effective?
Good Fertility News for Vaccinated People
Joe Biden's Paxlovid Rebound Caused by "Immune Tolerance"
California's Birth Rate Declined 6.4% in June
Lie Exposed: BBC Says Covid-19 Came from Wuhan Market
Boosters Now PROMOTE Covid Deaths in Europe
Independent SAGE's Stupid "Seven-Point" Covid Plan
"COVID Vaccine Technology" will Make Varroa Mites Infertile
New Data from Germany: Births and Even Abortions are Down!
Censorship's New Purpose: Avoiding Responsibility
Passengers Evacuated due to Covid Outbreak on All-Vaccinated Cruise
Taiwan: Birth Rate Dropped -27.66% in June 2022!!!
Lab-Designed GMO "Carbon Capture Plants" to Replace Pastures
Hungary: Highest Vaccinated Counties Have Worst Birth Rate Drops!
Sweden's Birth Rate Dropping Precipitously Every Month
Pfizer Study Subject C4591001 1162 11621327 ...
Study: Boosted People Slowest to Clear COVID-19
San Francisco is Another Portugal -- Worst Covid Wave Ever
NEJM: Global Warming Causes Stillbirths, Birth Defects, Infant Heart problems
Dramatic Decline in Births in Germany
Anti-COVID-Vaccine Persuasion Workshop
Finally Proven: Pfizer Vaccine Causes COVID Reinfections, Disables Natural Immunity!
Vaccine-Induced Tolerance to Spike Protein ...
We exposed Paxlovid as Snake Oil. We Won
Crooks Who Approved "Covid Vaxx" approved Other "Childhood Vaccines" Also
Push to "Vaccinate Infants" is a Clown Show
Developmental Disorders in Babies born to Vaccinated Mothers?
Try not to Laugh at Moderna's "Omicron Vaccine"
The Doomsday Prophecy of Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche
Ba.5 is a "Variant for Boosted People"
Israeli Data Explains Why Pfizer Excluded Vaccinated People from Paxlovid Trials
'Constant Waves of COVID': New Business Model for Pfizer
Sars-Cov-2 was Lab Made Under Project DEFUSE
Monkeypox "Preparedness Exercise" has Pandemic Start Date as May 15 2022
Is Monkeypox Hype a Paid Media Campaign?
"Vaccine Against Variants" is Impossible and Will Endanger the Naturally Immune
Powerful "Misinformation Substacks" Scare Vaccinators
Democrats Urgently Want to Hold Coverup "Covid Origin Hearings" before November Defeat
Israel: Chronic Covid Persists in Guts and Immune CD8 Cells, like AIDS
Fully Vaccinated Gorilla Dies of Multiple Organ Failure
FDA Dismisses Paxlovid Concerns, Gaslights Recurrence Sufferers
Vaccine Shedding Finally Proven!
Did Pfizer Know that Paxlovid will NOT Work in the Vaccinated?
Denmark Halts COVID Vaccination, in Ominous Sign for the Boosted
Free Speech Threatens the Entire West's Power Structure
Moderna Knew Vaccinated People Will Never Acquire Proper Immunity After Breakthrough Infections
Never mind my previous article
Vaccine Skeptics are the True Critical Thinkers
Paxlovid, "Snake Oil" of the 21st Century?
Health Authorities are the Biggest Obstacle to Solving Covid
AIDS-Like "Chronic Covid" is Taking Over Europe, Australia and NZ
Bill Gates Malaria Vaccine "Only 30% Effective Against Severe Outcomes"
Herd Immunity Was Entirely Possible!
Do not give me money; Help Senator Ron Johnson Instead
Australia: Deadly Hong Kong Covid Variant Taking Over
Pfizer Confidential: 1 infant DEATH vs 1 Successful Birth
Did Ralph Baric of UNC Design Omicron?
UK: Covid Becoming CHRONIC, like AIDS, and Will Take us Down
Was Sars-Cov-2 DESIGNED to Spawn so Many Variants?
Moderna Wants FDA to ILLEGALLY Approve Ineffective Kids Vaccine
Is China's Fear of Covid Justified?
UK: Short-term Reinfections Exploding
"2019 Novel Coronavirus Vaccine" dated July 23 2019?
UK Elderly: Double Vaccination Kills Immunity
UK will HIDE Vaccinated Cases and Deaths
Have You Taken Your HIV Booster Yet?
Florida "Vaccine Hesitancy" REDUCED Infant Mortality in 2021
Sars-Cov-2 Kills T-Cells, Just Like HIV
mRNA "DNA Gene Editing" - no Longer a Conspiracy Theory
How could Chinese Cave Bats pick the NGVEGF motif from Swine Flu Pandemic?
New Ivermectin Study -- Same 70% Reduction in Deaths
UK: Pandemic is Over for the Unvaccinated
Steve Kirsch: Germ Line Mutation Allegations Easy to Test
The Science Behind Mask Mandates
Allegations of Genetic Harm to Newborn Females are Easy to Verify
DNA Transcribed from Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Contains MUTANT gp130 Tumor Gene
Worst Fears Realized: Pfizer mRNA Transcribes into DNA
UKHSA Week 8: Vaccine failure in UK and USA
Where is CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG in the Moderna Patent
Moderna Patented CANCER GENE is in Sars-Cov-2 "Spike Protein"
How did Moderna's Patented Sequence End up in Sars-Cov-2?
Malaysia Study: Ivermectin helps with "Covid Lungs"
Covid, Vaccine, HIV and VAIDS -- an Explanation
Will UKHSA also Hide Vaccinated and Boosted Deaths?
Scotland will HIDE Vaccinated and Boosted Deaths
BA.2 Variant Loves Lungs and Forms Cellular Clots
My first Substack article was about Moderna
Scared Vaccinators are Giving Up
UK: Reinfections Reveal "The Bad Deal of COVID Vaxx"
VA Study PROVES: Covid Vax Causes Myocarditis in Veterans
Odd "Mild Omicron" Story in South Africa
UK and the Boosted Monkey Experiment
UK: Reinfections Show Huge Undercount of COVID Deaths
UKHSA Explains Endless Reinfections of the Vaccinated
A Crime Against Our Youngest Children
CNN: Global Warming Causes "Cold Winters", Inflation
Mexico Study: Medical Kit with Ivermectin Reduced Deaths
More Vaccination -- More Reinfection
BA2 Omicron Variant is Worth Discussing
Does Covid Vax Cause Brain Damage?
UK: Boosters INVITE Covid and Fueled the Pandemic
COVID-19: Puppeteers and Scapegoats
Colleges Demanding Boosters will Kill Students who just had Covid
UK: Covid Vax "Safe" for Pregnancy? No new data since AUGUST
Bob Saget is a Perfect Example why Omicron and Vax Deaths are Hard to Count
Omicron Severity, Absenteeism, Death Lag
My USA Omicron Predictions, so far so Good
Covid knocks: Please share your Covid Experiences
I am Migrating from Twitter to GETTR
Fact Checking Dr Malone "Deaths up 40%" Claim
Ivermectin and a Covid Case in My Family